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What are Assessments?

The systematic basis for making inferences about an individual’s learning and development is assessment. In simple words, it’s a test or an analysis of an individual’s capabilities. It’s the process of defining, choosing, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and applying data to help employees learn and develop.

Skill Assessments: A skills assessment evaluates a person’s ability to perform a particular skill or set of skills. It’s usually a test of skills particular to a job or profession. In an ideal world, the evaluation records each participant’s degree of proficiency for each skill, allowing you to see who is new to the skill and who has mastered it.

Psychometric Assessments: A DiSC Personality Test (sometimes known as a psychometric test) is a method of determining a candidate’s attributes and talents in order to help them succeed in a job or overall career. Psychometric evaluations can take many (different) forms and are a general word for any test that is used to analyze a person’s personality or cognitive abilities. The majority of psychometric tests are completed online.

Types of Assessments?

Assessments let you determine each employee’s strengths and weaknesses so that you may change and steer their learning accordingly. You can track employee performance help pupils develop, and improve their learning by administering grade-level examinations. Select an evaluation type that corresponds to the objectives of your lesson, and get started!

1- Diagnostic: Diagnostic examinations are conducted at the outset to determine pre-knowledge.
2- Formative: Formative assessments are used to determine how employees are progressing in the middle of a session or year.
3- Interim: Interim assessments are given to groups of employees across a company or organization in order to compare their results.
4- Summative: Success is judged at the end of a checkpoint in a summative assessment.

Methods of Assessments

Direct Assessments
1- Display writing skills
2- Portfolio of employees
3- Visual/Oral presentations
4- Capstone projects
5- Field or Service projects
6- Presentations
Indirect assessments
1- Surveys
2- Work evaluation
3- Curriculum
4- External Reviews

Benefits of Assessments

1- No scope for biased decisions.
2- Consistency in proficiency.
3- Personalized plans of development.
4- Evaluate comparable progress mechanisms.
5- Employee interest and engagement.

The Assessment Cycle


What do I want my employees to learn?
The first fundamental component of the assessment is included in this stage: Creating Intended Learning Outcomes Statements.


How do I effectively teach?
The second and third key components of this stage are developing or selecting assessment measures and creating experiences that lead to outcomes.


Whether the objective set has been achieved?
This stage entails a review of the assessment data (part of the fourth component).


How to put into practice all that you’ve learned?
This stage entails reinforcing good habits and making changes to improve employee learning (part of the fourth component).

Need for Assessments

Employee evaluation has become a necessary aspect of the business. It allows you to see how well your employees are functioning and which areas they are having trouble with. You will be able to focus more on the skills gap that is affecting your employees and help them improve in their sector of interest based on the evaluation data.

What do we offer?

At Wiley, we offer assistance to organizations to amplify their targets and goals by fairly judging the performance of the employees. Our Everything DiSC solutions help individuals’ preferences and tendencies to understand themselves and others at the workplace for effective participation and collaboration. Reach out to us today.