Train the Trainer Training- Is it Mandatory?

Are you wondering whether or not your organization should adopt the train the trainer framework? Well, then, search no further because we have tried to encompass the most important benefits conferred by the adoption of the train the trainer framework and why it should be mandatory in your organization.
Train the Trainer is a model that intends to train the potential instructors of master trainers to enable them to pass on their skills to those in the organization who are less experienced with that particular skill. Instead of having a single trainer for the skill training, this framework allows room for multiple trainers to be trained at the same time so that they can eventually become efficient in teaching that skill to others in the organization.
For example, an expert trains a group of individuals in the organization to build upon leadership skills and simultaneously trains them to teach effective strategies of leadership to other individuals in the organization.
The central goal of the train-the-trainer approach is to prepare the potential trainers to present the relevant information effectively, listen properly, make authentic observations, and finally help the participants to link the training to their roles in the organization.
Now, let’s look closely at the advantages that such an approach provides and why your organization should make this framework mandatory.
1. Availability of competent internal trainers: Corporate Leadership Development Programs helps in participating individuals to hone their skills and acquaint them with ways of effectively teaching the skills to their colleagues in the organization. Conducting repetitive training sessions on the skills begets greater competence of that skill in your trainers. So, the next time you are required to conduct skill training, your organization already has a cohort of trainers who are competent to handle the requirement. This reduces the tedious processes of outsourcing the training requirements again and again.
2. Cost-effectiveness: Hiring an external team of trainers to disseminate training sessions in the organization can become cumbersome as well as expensive for your organization. Additionally, in an offline setup, the costs of traveling also add up to the already expensive training programs. According to a report, 74% of workers appear to be willing to acquire new skills or re-train to remain employable. Training the trainers’ approach can help reduce the costs as it helps you in providing a greater amount of training to the employees at various positions at a relatively much lower price.
3. Reduced time commitments: Such an approach is also ideal when your organization faces time constraints. Once the employees complete the first leg of their training the trainer course, they can immediately start training other employees. Also, due to the presence of internal trainers, the process of following up becomes easier and less cumbersome.
4. Improved team dynamics due to the internal knowledge-sharing environment: The training of the trainer framework will also increase the dynamics amongst teams and departments in your organization. It might even reduce friction amongst your employees due to the rigid hierarchical structure of powers. Especially during the work-from-home trends, the contact amongst employees has just been limited to work-related agendas, reducing the chances for your employees to hone their teamwork fervor. An internal training environment might provide your employees with the space to know each other and develop a sense of appreciation for the Trainer’s knowledge. Additionally, it might even develop a spirit with more employees recognizing their skills to enroll in train-the-trainer programs to train others on the same lines.
5. Training in tandem with the organization’s culture: With the internal facilitators as the head trainers, the training can work in tandem with the organization’s culture, environment, and goals. Also, with the information about the services, products, and clients of your company, the training can be given personalized touches that the outsourced training might not be able to give. Such customizations can allow room for greater prioritizing and effective strategizing of the training module to work best following the needs of your organization, which will result in a greater advantage to your organization.
Conclusion: Training the Trainer should be mandatory for your organization. Training the Trainer will result in boosting the growth of your organization while saving time and cost.
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