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As we have already witnessed with the pandemic, the scenario has drastically changed in the business sector. Team building is not straightforward anymore.

2500% more companies have adopted virtual team building techniques to increase collaboration and engagement of their employees.

The call of the hour is all about more diversity and open communication without having too many secrets while sharing information. Without collaboration, there is no success, which hampers the longevity of the company. In such a scenario where companies scramble to look for the right talent, building collaboration with cross-functional teams has become a primary trend. In this blog, we will discuss how the changing economic conditions drive the changes in how training and learning are taking place in the industrial sector.

The On-Demand Economy and Team Building

Do you remember the days when employees used to sit in the office for eight hours straight and finish their work? Today, after the pandemic, employees are engaging in co-working spots or are working from home in different countries. In India, because of the large number of people, companies are providing flexibility to the workforce by giving them options for hybrid work modes. It has led to an increase in the on-demand economy, which means companies are looking to combine different skills and experiences, and geographical conditions are not a barrier.

Companies are hiring external employees with expertise concerning a specific project that requires unique talent. It has been possible because of the advancements made in technology and communication programs. However, team building is no longer straightforward, and managing these teams has become challenging. Decreasing morale and communication are the two most essential negativities of dispersed team culture. The other change is that the new workforce of young people has different expectations, and they prefer managing their careers on their own terms. They are looking for unique activities that will increase their intellect and give them a reason to be engaged with the company. In this regard, new team-building methods consisting of virtual games have become a significant cause of employee satisfaction.

On-Demand Workforce and Team Building Games

Why are team-building games the primary requirement of the On-Demand workforce to increase teamwork? It is because the underlying workforce today is built on technological innovation, and they are changing the world by inventing new ways of managing our lives with technical creativity. In the changing world, there is a large number of co-working spots that provide employees with a creative environment for effective engagement face-to-face or virtually. They are featured boardrooms and worktables, which help them to communicate their ideas. However, it is all about collaboration and connecting workers in different geographical areas.

Team Building Games are the key to developing an effective on-demand workforce in your company.

According to Gartner research, “By 2030, remote work will increase by 30% in the new generation comprising Gen Z.

It is still a home experiment, but this will become a reality, and HR is looking for ways to increase collaboration without face-to-face meetings. These games are ideal for raising the interest of the new generation who need to be more engaged with their responsibilities. The games are built on technological platforms that are a part of the new generation and can engage its candidates by providing a landscape designed according to the new expectations. Some of the benefits of these games are:

• Increases morale

• Increases collaboration across boundaries

• Increases innovation and eases management

• Increases productivity

• Implements a positive work culture

The above is suitable for a diverse workforce looking to build interpersonal relationships and greater collaboration. Making connections is vital for moving forward and sustaining a business.


With the implementation of the on-demand economy and workforce, it is up to us to change their perspective on how best to build an effective team and hone in on new talents. Team building is also an art and requires research and insight into a company’s needs and gaps. Make a lasting impression on your candidates and employees by providing them with activities stimulating their creative senses.