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Let us first understand what exactly we mean by motivation. The concept of motivation is the emotions that are required to improve or fulfill an action. Organizational motivation is derived from a business’s leader or corporate culture. These factors can impress upon your employees and drive their professional growth and organizational performance. The concept of motivation can be divided into three different factors: the motive, the motivators, and the act. A person should have a distinct aim, which is known as the motive to change their behavior to support a specific goal. To have a reason, the employee must be encouraged by an external factor known as a motivator that leads to the fulfillment of the success of the task or the act.

Motivational Theories in a Business Organization

The concept of motivation in a business organization can be divided into many specific theories. These theories are developed to apply in a business organization to motivate employees to work to the highest caliber. Motivating employees is crucial to help them engage with their work to create an interest that will encourage them to think out of the box and innovate. Corporate Leadership Development Programs helps build a positive culture that will help sustain a positive brand image and decrease attrition rates. Douglas McGregor developed two different motivational techniques for various types of employees.

The motivational technique for employees who avoid work and responsibilities would be to enforce rules and punishment. Employees who enjoy work should be given more opportunities to increase their creativity in the workplace. Other theories focus on employee loyalty, where the company should provide a job and life balance to focus on well-being so that employees are happy with their jobs. Motivational techniques are supplied according to the behavior of the employees and managers, and it is recommended to analyze the workplace before they initiate changes.

How to Motivate Your Employees?

This is a tricky question as it depends on individual people, even in a group. If you’re building an effective team, it is about the group dynamics and then initiating changes in our policies that will keep them motivated. Here are some motivational techniques that you can use in your workplace.

  • Acknowledgments – The most successful technique is acknowledging exemplary work done, even if it is a small thought within a larger project. As the manager, make sure that you commend the results of your employees and encourage them to do better.

  • Take an interest – Sometimes, getting a little personal to understand the motivational factors is good. Take an interest in your employees’ lives to understand their behavior in the workplace or their personalities in general. This will also give your employer the feeling of belonging and being cared for by the company.

  • Feedback – Give good feedback, both positive and negative, to your employees. It is best not to criticize your employees in front of others, as this will decrease their morale.

  • The Clarity in Consequences – Apart from rewarding your employees for the excellent job done, ensure you also provide clarity on the results. Employees should know exactly what it would mean to fail. This is about fear motivation, which increases the desire to work and achieve due to the fear of failure.


Apply these motivational techniques to the workplace and see how they encourage employees to increase their performance. Your employees must be engaged and deeply interested in their work to have more incredible innovation and creativity in your organization. Continue to motivate and achieve success.